Seeing the Future, Clear and Bright.

Who We Are


IEVA is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing comprehensive healthcare and eye care services to underserved communities around the world. With a focus on promoting health and well-being, we strive to make quality medical care accessible to all, regardless of their financial or social status. Our team of skilled professionals and volunteers work tirelessly to deliver essential medical services, including screenings, treatments, and education initiatives, to improve the lives of those in need. Through our commitment to compassion and excellence, IEVA aims to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to live a healthy and fulfilling life."



The mission of IEVA is to strive to create a world free from the problems of primary health care and preventable vision loss and visual impairment.


1. To challenge the current situation; working alongside the private sector, public sector, and other not-for-profit organizations to achieve good disease outcomes and eye injuries.


2.Develop long-term trusting relationships; inspire health care and eye care providers and build effective teams to effect change.


3.Expand the area of ​​action and groups of beneficiaries; by establishing effective and high quality comprehensive targeted health care systems ideate all categories in the community.

د. بهاء الدين جبر - التقنيات الأحدث لعلاج القرنية المخروطية - طب وصحة

د. بهاء الدين جبر - أخصائي جراحة العيون وتصحيح البصر تحدث عن التقنيات الأحدث لعلاج القرنية المخروطية

العين الكسولة .. الأسباب والأعراض وطرق العلاج │ صباح النور

العين الكسولة هي مشكلة صحية تصيب العين خلال مرحلة الطفولة وقد تتطور الى مشكلة أكبر ان لم تعالج، فما هي أسبابها وما هي أعراضها وكيف يمكن علاجها؟ يخبرنا د. بهاء الدين جابر- اختصاصي في طب وجراحة العيون مباشرة من العاصمة الاردنية عمان

تصوير القرنية قبل إجراء عمليات تصحيح البصر - الأطباء السبعة - الموسم 9

برنامج الأطباء السبعة :
هو برنامج طبي عربي تفاعلي والأول من نوعه على مستوى الوطن العربي، يهدف إلى نشر المعرفة الطبية الصحيحة وإثراء المحتوى الطبي العربي على شبكة الإنترنت
والتلفاز. يقوم عليه أطباء من مختلف الاختصاصات بالإضافة إلى فريق من أخصائيي
التغذية والعلاج الطبيعي والنطق والسمع والصيادلة، ويقدم للمشاهدين النصائح التي
تساعدهم على اتباع نمط معيشي صحي.

القرنية المخروطية وعلاجها - الأطباء السبعة - الموسم 9

برنامج الأطباء السبعة :
هو برنامج طبي عربي تفاعلي والأول من نوعه على مستوى الوطن العربي، يهدف إلى نشر المعرفة الطبية الصحيحة وإثراء المحتوى الطبي العربي على شبكة الإنترنت
والتلفاز. يقوم عليه أطباء من مختلف الاختصاصات بالإضافة إلى فريق من أخصائيي
التغذية والعلاج الطبيعي والنطق والسمع والصيادلة، ويقدم للمشاهدين النصائح التي
تساعدهم على اتباع نمط معيشي صحي.

تقنية زراعة العدسات اللاصقة داخل العين - الأطباء السبعة - الموسم 9

برنامج الأطباء السبعة :
هو برنامج طبي عربي تفاعلي والأول من نوعه على مستوى الوطن العربي، يهدف إلى نشر المعرفة الطبية الصحيحة وإثراء المحتوى الطبي العربي على شبكة الإنترنت
والتلفاز. يقوم عليه أطباء من مختلف الاختصاصات بالإضافة إلى فريق من أخصائيي
التغذية والعلاج الطبيعي والنطق والسمع والصيادلة، ويقدم للمشاهدين النصائح التي
تساعدهم على اتباع نمط معيشي صحي.

يحتوي البرنامج على العديد من الفقرات المتنوعة منها الفقرات التي يتم فيها استضافة
نخبة من الأطباء للحديث عن المشاكل الصحية المختلفة وإبقاء المشاهد على صلة بآخر
ما توصل إليه العلم في مجال الطب من اكتشافات واختراعات تساعد في تشخيص
وعلاج المرضى، وفقرات من داخل غرف العمليات تساعد المشاهد في التعرف على
كيف تجري العديد من العمليات الجراحية، وفقرات أخرى توضح حقائق طبية لمعتقدات
خاطئة اعتاد الناس على تداولها فيما بينهم قديماً، كما ويحتوي الاستديو على عيادة
وأجهزة طبية بسيطة يتم فيها فحص مرضى حقيقيين لتكون الصورة أقرب ما يكون
للمشاهد. ويقوم البرنامج أيضاً بتسليط الضوء على قصص نجاح للأشخاص من ذوي
الاحتياجات الخاصة وذلك بالحديث عن نجاحاتهم وإنجازاتهم التي تمكنوا من تحقيقها
رغم كل التحديات التي واجهتهم بهدف التأكيد على أهمية دورهم الفعّال في المجتمع
وحث الآخرين على التعلم من طموحهم وقوتهم وإرادتهم في الوصول إلى أهدافهم
وأحلامهم، وتكون الفقرة الأخيرة في البرنامج فقرة تفاعلية يتم من خلالها الإجابة على
تساؤلات الجمهور الطبية التي تصل إلى البرنامج عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي

أمراض العين الفيروسية مع الدكتور بهاء الدين جبر

قناة دجلة قناة عراقية عربية تقدم باقة من البرامج المتنوعة، تعتبر قناة دجلة من أشهر القنوات العراقية العربية التي تبث عبر الفضائيات، فهي قناة عائلية تقدم كل ما يهم المواطن العراقي والعربي على حد سواء، من خلال التنوع والشمول والتكامل في برامجها، من برامج سياسية وحوارية وشبابية واجتماعية وفنية، فقناة دجلة تسعى باستمرار على تقديم وجبة دسمة من المنظومة البرامجية الممنهجة لتطرح جميع قضايا المجتمع العراقي والعربي ومشكلاته في مختلف البلاد العربية.

Meet Our Team

Dr. Bahaa Jaber MD,FRCS

Cosultant ophthalmologist. Fellow of the royal college of surgeons United Kingdom. Member of the American society of cataract and refractive surgeons. Associate professor in the faculty of allied medical sciences Amman Al ahliyya university. Cofounder and refractive surgeon at Telescope medical center Amman Jordan

Esra'a Mohammad
senior operational manager

Optometry Specialist Jordan University for Science and Technology (JUST) Member of the Jordan society of Optometrists Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences Amman Al Ahliyyah University. Cofounder and optometrist of pediatric Eye clinic / MedPro Amman Jordan

Farah Farah
Debuty director

computer science

Dr Wafa Asfour

consultant ophthalmologist cornea and refractive surgery Fellow of Royal college Physicians and Surgeons - Glasgow United kingdom Member of Cornea Society US Associated Professor -Faculty of Allied Medical Science - AlAhliyya Amman University

Nuha Mahjoub

Phd in Optometry Science Associated professor at AL-Neelain university Faculty of Optometry and Visual Science - Sudan. Al-Ahliyya Amman University - Optometry Department- Jordan

Samer Samara

Financial Manager

Dima Tahseen

Energetic Optometrist who is highly self-motivation and hard-worker. Devote myself to serve patients and provide them with the best eye care they deserve.

Jeneen Nofal

Optometry Science Optometrist at Jordan Germany Eye Center


The association is called [International Eye Health And Vision Association], abbreviated (IEVA). This denomination will be mentioned on all deeds, invoices, notices, advertisements, publications and other documents.

The object of IEVA is to strive to create a world free from the problems of preventable vision loss and visual impairment.

Therefore, we focus all our energies on enabling future generations to live in a world where eye care is available at a higher level and where everyone has an equal chance to build a future with a clear vision. We also aim to contribute to a future in which people can evolve independently without
need to depend on others.

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to caring for patients suffering from eye diseases, especially those who have had eye problems as a result of war injuries or due to diseases that lead to blindness and loss of vision. vision.

The organization provides quality care to patients with eye diseases and visual rehabilitation for those who have lost their sight through visual aids, treatments, and surgical procedures.

Providing blind or visually impaired people with better living conditions enabling them to meet their needs and spare them from total dependence on their families.

The initiatives we offer also help to give visually impaired children the opportunity to keep up with their classmates.

Our goals in this non-profit organization are:
1. To challenge the current situation; working alongside the private sector, public sector, and other not-for-profit organizations to achieve good disease outcomes and eye injuries.

2.Develop long-term trusting relationships; inspire eye care providers and build effective teams to effect change.

3.Expand the area of ​​action and groups of beneficiaries; by establishing effective and high quality comprehensive targeted eye care systems ideate all categories in the community.



The change day campaign

IEVA participated in the Change Day 18/9/2024 held in cooperation with Princess Sumaya Center for Research and Laboratory Sciences, where IEVA elements provide medical examinations, eye health examinations, vision examinations, and useful properties of medical glasses, in addition to trends and treatments for the eyes and contact lenses.

the Jordanian National Women's Committees

Volunteer day under the slogan The role of volunteer work in the community insurance unit and the formation of an educated person at the huge headquarters of the Jordanian National Women's Committees - Balqa, on Thursday 9-5-2024. This includes activities: Basic medical sciences and among the activities of the activities, including today's open volunteer may include lectures to raise awareness on various topics such as psychological pressure only, blood pressure, skin care, antioxidants, natural sun therapy for cancer patients, the microbiome, the importance of early detection and intervention for speech disorders and revolutionary and non-neurogenic origin, what is okay Tinnitus Some effective options for natural personal caregivers for children and adolescents, natural loss for the elderly, treatment for lower back pain) - Volunteers and members of Eva provided consultations and examinations for which there is no treatment for children, treatment for bone and joint problems, physical therapy for the elderly and posture problems, free eye examinations and intervals and glasses, conducting a blood pressure measurement examination, conducting free laboratory tests, hearing tests such as an otoscope, examining general education functions, and audiograms in addition to examinations Pronunciation and linguistics.
A large number of other local children may benefit and welcome the community by attending such important volunteer initiatives and living such activities in the sites.

School vision screening campaign

In the spirit of community well-being and healthcare accessibility, a recent volunteer medical day emerged as a beacon of hope for children from 6-8 years old held on 12/12/2024 , At The Modern salt schools , brought together dedicated healthcare professionals

3-days vision screening campaign

We enjoyed the 3-days vision screening campaign for the services personnel where 95 men and women were screened and had a further eye health examination.

Silwad Charity Association project

In the spirit of community well-being and healthcare accessibility, a recent volunteer medical day emerged as a beacon of hope for those in need of eye care. This impactful event,
held on 5/1/2024 , At headquarters Silwad Charity Association Amman/ Jordan , brought together dedicated healthcare professionals, volunteers, and organizations with a singular mission: to address visual health concerns within our community. Focused on providing not only comprehensive eye examinations but also distributing free eyeglasses, eye drops, and managing a spectrum of eye problems, this initiative aimed to make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals who may face barriers to accessing essential eye care services. Through the lens of compassion and community service, this volunteer medical day aspired to create a lasting impact by improving vision and promoting overall eye health among those who often lack access to such vital resources.

the change day يوم التغير

IEVA participated in the Change Day of the Jordanian Ministry of Health by examining vision and eye health within several departments at Al-Bashir Governmental Hospital. Optometrist Esra'a Mohammad also gave an awareness lecture on the importance of periodic retinal examination for diabetic patients.



شاركت ايفا بيوم طبي مجاني في احدى مدارس المملكة بالتعاون مع جامعة عمان الاهلية
حيث قدمت مجموعة من الخدمات الطبية


As part of our voluntary activities, IEVA Participated an initiative to visit an elderly and nursing care center.
performed vision examination. eye health care assessment


استقبال وفد يمثل جمعية اطباء العيون اليمنية لبحث اطار التعاون في المجال الطبي و الانساني
من اليمن رئيس جمعية اطباء العيون اليمنية
من السودان الدكتور نهى محجوب
من الاردن دكتور بهاء الدين جبر و الدكتور يزن قموه



Name and registered office Article 1: The association is called [International Eye Health And Vision Association], abbreviated [IEVA). This denomination will be mentioned on all deeds, invoices, notices, advertisements, publications and other documents of 2-Purpose and duration The object of IEVA ASBL. is to strive to create a world free from the problems of preventable vision loss and visual impairment. Therefore, we focus all our energies on enabling future generations to live in a world where eye care is available at a higher level and where everyone has an equal chance to build a future with a clear vision. We also aim to contribute to a future in which people can evolve independently without

Visual scanning day for school students

IEVA participated in a visual scanning day for a group of school students of age 6-15 YEARS for early detection of refractive Error and give the best treatment to reduce amblyopia

Our Partners

We are here to assist you. Please fill out the form below, and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.